Discovery Sets
Is the Discovery Set offer valid via other retailers?
The Discovery Set credit towards a full-sized eau de parfum is a service available exclusively for sets purchased on Unfortunately, this offer is not available through other retailers.
Do you offer 10% off coupons for new customers?
We do not offer a 10% coupon discount for new customers. Instead, we offer a $42 credit towards a full-sized fragrance with the purchase of a Discovery Set.
A unique code is sent via email shortly after purchase. Please note, the $42 credit is a service exclusive to our Limit one code per set, per customer.
What are your candles made from?
Shipping Issues
If I place an order with the wrong shipping address?
Please reach out to us right away and we will do our best to accommodate the address change. Note, we may not be able to change the address if your item is already queued for shipment.
If my order is returned due to an insufficient address?
We will issue a refund, subtracting shipping costs, and you will be able to place a new order to a new/additional shipping address. Additionally, there will be a $10 restocking fee.
If my order is lost or damaged by the shipping carrier?
We will reship your original order. Unfortunately, we are not able to issue refunds for these items.
If my order is delivered but I cannot find it?
Sometimes shipping carriers deliver items to neighbors by mistake. Please check with your neighbors to see if you can locate the package.
It is customer responsibility to provide a safe shipping address. If you frequently experience issues with deliveries, you may reach out to the shipping carrier to hold your parcel for pick up once you receive tracking.